Quantum field theory
This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file.
Last taught in Spring Semester 2006
A compilation of fourteen lectures in PDF format on the subject of quantum field theory. This module is suitable for 3rd or 4th year undergraduate and postgraduate level learners.
Suitable for year 3/4 undergraduate and postgraduate study.
Dr Kirill Krasnov, School of Mathematical Sciences
Dr Kirill Krasnov is a Lecturer at the University of Nottingham. After studying physics in Kiev, Ukraine, he carried out research for his doctorate at Pennsylvania State University, USA and then held post-doctoral positions at University of California, Santa Barbara and Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Germany. His main research interest is in the field of quantum gravity. Dr Krasnov is a holder of an EPSRC Advanced Fellowship.