Learning objectives for each class

1. Stroop: An easy introduction, with an effect that always works.

a. How to use the lab computers (info about where to fetch and store data)
b. Why are we running experiments at all?
c. PsychoPy views and data files
d. Basic data handling in Excel (cells, formulae, relative v absolute references)
e. Finding relevant reading materials

2. Sternberg: Same themes but developing in complexity

f. PsychoPy routines, components and flow
g. More complex data analysis in Excel (sorting, filtering incorrect answers, smart-fill)

3. Navon: how to write a report

h. How to write a report
i. Global versus local processing
j. Getting summary data (gender age of participants) from SPSS

4. Pseudo-homophones

k. A more detailed study developing PsychoPy skills
l. Using more precise stimulus timing and device-independent layout

5. BART and digit ratio (actually about demand charactersistics)

m. Social psych can use experiments too!
n. The importance of double-blind studies
o. PsychoPy can run complex dynamic studies (but needs some inline coding)

6. Mental Rotation: generating a PsychoPy study from scratch

p. Broad (too long?) intro to mental imagery
q. Create a replication of Cooper and Shepard from scratch in the Builder
r. Students should be able to conduct most of the analyses themselves by this stage

7. & 8. Memory

s. Teaches more independent study
t. Flexible prac with more decisions for the student
u. Choice of 3 study ideas, 2 of which can be done with pen and paper designs (1 uses PsychoPy)

9. & 10. Inhibition of Return (IOR)

v. Attention
w.One-way ANOVA