Assessed Essay - Titles and Submission Dates

You are required to write ONE essay of 3,000 words which will count for 50% of the final grade for this module.

The assessed essays should be submitted to the School Office by 4 pm on Monday 15 November.
You must submit an electronic copy of your essay via the module’s WebCT site, taking note of the individual ID number that will be generated once you have successfully uploaded it. This process is self-explanatory.

After you have done that – and only then - you must submit two hard copies of the essay. One submission sheet should be completed and attached to the top copy of the essay. You are required to enter the WebCT ID number on the cover sheet, as proof that you have submitted the essay electronically.

The submission sheet and the top of page of each copy of your essay should then be date stamped, and posted in the filing cabinet in front of the School Office. Please note that the School Office will be open from 10am till 4pm (Monday to Friday) on submission days.

Essays handed in after 4pm will be stamped as late and the usual University penalties will be applied unless an extension has been approved in advance. Applications for extensions will not normally be considered retrospectively. Any student wishing to apply for an extension should collect and complete the necessary forms from the School Office and submit these to the relevant Year Tutor together with any necessary documentary evidence.

The standard University penalty for late submission should be 5% absolute standard University scale per normal working day, until the mark reaches zero. For example, an original mark of 67% would be successively reduced to 62%, 57%, 52%, 47% etc. Normal working ays include vacation periods, but not weekends or public holidays.

Failure to complete either process ie electronic and/or hard copy submission will result in late penalties being applied.

The electronic copies will be scanned to detect plagiarism. It is therefore imperative that you consult the Student Handbook, which outlines what is counted as plagiarism and advises you how to avoid it.

Failure to submit an electronic copy even if you submit two hard copies on time will mean that the essay will be counted as having not been submitted.